  • June
Matthias Remus


Matthias Remus is known as a director of Mozart's six operas and author of his biography (Parkland, 1991). Apart from the abovementioned, he is well-known for bringing back the neglected masterpieces. 

His career began with productions of Puccini's «Manon Lescaut» and Rossini's «Il barbiere di Siviglia». After the graduation from the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre he worled for a while as an assistant director in Deutsche Oper in Berlin, until he got an invitation from Hannover University of Music and Drama to become professor for Acting.

Significantly important for Matthias' career is the opera heritage of baroque. Not only he directs the most famous pieces, but also brings the forgotten masterpieces back on the stage, to mention Steffani's «Giovanni Battista» and Keiser's «Tempel des Janus» and «Claudius» which were performed on the stage of Berlin Chamber Opera.

He staged six of Mozart's operas: «Die Zauberflote», «Don Giovanni», «La finta giardiniera», «La finta semplice», «Le nozze di Figaro», and «Cosi fan tutte». in 1981 Matthias met Gotz Friedrich, an outstanding opera director and producer, who used to support aspiring young talents. Years later, he joined the jury of the Gotz Friedrich Foundation.   
