State Budgetary Cultural Institution of Culture “Perm State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after P.I. Tchaikovsky”
Petropavlovskaya st., 25A, Perm, 614000, Russia
Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 18:00
Stop „Glavpochtamt“ — Opera and Ballet Theatre»
Bus №3. Tram №7, №12
Please send all suggestions and requests by email
Directorate | Department of work with partners
+7 (342) 212-54-16,
ФАКС 212-18-46
Press service
+7 (342) 212-31-92
Cash desk and sales department
+7 (342) 212-30-87,
Touring and New Productions Department
+7 (342) 210-93-11