Legends of Perm Theatre. Valerii Tyumentsev. Broadcast from Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre

Legends of Perm Theatre. Valerii Tyumentsev. Broadcast from Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre

Recording date: February 24, 2019 

The broadcast starts at 7PM Perm Time Zone (UTC +5)
Running time: 2 hours (with intermission)

A movie and a concert dedicated to Valerii Tyumentsev, a soloist of Perm Opera 1990—2003

Поддержать театр и видеостудию можно по ссылке: permopera.ru/our_supportes/donation/

Трансляция осуществлена видеостудией Ultralive


Home page Journal Legends of Perm Theatre. Valerii Tyumentsev. Broadcast from Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre