Три балета в манере поздней неоклассики
April 5, 2013

One-act ballet by William Forsythe set to the music of Thom Willems
The ballet was first staged in 1991. It was first performed in Perm in 2012. The 2022 revival
William Forsythe — not a pupil of George Balanchine, but a disciple of his who has developed the idea of pure dance in his own way — is a living legend in the ballet world. He has been called a deconstructivist of academic dance, but companies all over the world regard it as an honour to have his productions in their repertoire. In Russia, only the Mariinsky Theatre (three ballets) and the Bolshoi Theatre (one ballet) have so far held this right.
Although from New York, Forsythe achieved his greatest successes in Europe. From 1984 to 2004, he headed the Frankfurt Ballet, earning it a reputation as one of the world’s most progressive ballet companies. In 2005, he formed his own company, the Forsythe Company, which is based in Dresden and Frankfurt-am-Main.
Forsythe composed The Second Detail at the height of his Frankfurt period in the early 1990s. Ballet historians characterize the spirit and style of those years as ‘late classical Forsythe’. To the inventive synthetic beat of Dutch composer Thom Willems, a regular collaborator of Forsythe, 14 dancers in simple sky-blue costumes illustrate the choreographer’s favourite device: the sudden generation of movement in various groups of the dance ensemble and their differing contrasts with one another. The Perm production of The Second Detail was the Russian première of this ballet
Performed with permission from Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Limited
The principal partners of the production are Mr. Toshihiko Takahashi and the LUKOIL Group in Perm Region
One-act ballet to the music of Tchaikovsky’s Variations on a Rococo Theme for Cello and Orchestra
The ballet premiered in Perm in 2011. Running time: 20 minutes
Variations on a Rococo Theme for Cello and Orchestra was virtually the only composition by Tchaikovsky that had not previously featured in a ballet. Alexey Miroshnichenko staged the ballet in 2011 for the graduates’ concert at Perm State Choreographic College, but its life did not end there. Several of the graduate performers were subsequently invited to join the Perm ballet company. Variations… was included in the theatre’s repertoire and is still performed by the company’s leading soloists.
Project Sponsors: The Prognoz Company and Mr. Toshihiko Takahashi Production staged with the support of the Pearl of the Urals Foundation
One-act ballet to Bryars’ Les Fiançailles
The ballet was first staged in Perm in 2011. Running time: 25 minutes
Douglas Lee, a product of the British school of ballet, composed Souvenir while wandering along the corridors of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre, inspired by its profound history. The choreography is staged to music by the British minimalist composer Gavin Bryars and is full of nostalgic allusions — to the ballets of past masters like Frederick Ashton and Kenneth MacMillan, to the age of cinema goddesses, and to his own professional past: Douglas Lee composed this ballet when he finished his career as a soloist in the Stuttgarter Ballett. The ballet features various calligraphic supports and networks twisted around the main character, danced by the theatre’s prima ballerina Natalia Moiseeva.
Ksenia Barbasheva
Albina Rangulova
Alexey Budrin
Sergei Klochkov
Alexey Lysenko
Artyom Mishakov
Ivan Tkachenko
Lyaisan Gisatullina
Second Pas de deux
German Starikov
First Pas de deux
Ksenia Barbasheva
Pas de trois
Taras Tovstyuk
Second Pas de deux
Alexey Lysenko
Pas de trois
Roman Tarkhanov
Pas de trois
Igor Bobovich
Cello solo
Natalia Moiseeva
Lyaisan Gisatullina
Nikita Chetverikov
Ksenia Barbasheva
Taras Tovstyuk
Ksenia Tkachenko
Sergei Klochkov
Roman Tarkhanov
Stage Directors
William Forsythe
Thom Willems
Issey Miyake (“White Dress”)
Noah Gelber
Staged by
The 2012 production Artistic Director
Artistic Director of the Renewal
Stage Directors
Musical Director
The revival Musical Director
Costume Designer
Sergey Martynov
Lighting Designer
Stage Directors
Artistic director of the production
Valentin Uryupin
Sergey Martynov
Lighting Designer
Douglas Lee
Other events

Три балета в манере поздней неоклассики
April 5, 2013