Видеть музыку. Вечер современной хореографии

D.Lang, J.S.Bach, G.Bryars, P.Aralla
Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre
25 minutes

One-act ballet to music by David Lang 

The ballet was first staged in 2010. This version was first performed in Perm in 2011. 

«When I woke up in the morning, I often did not realize in what part of the world I was», said Cayetano Soto, describing the mental condition in which he created Uneven for the Aspen Santa Fe Ballet in 2010. His nervousness and spatial disorientation, caused by frequent flights for business, coupled with the intense music of the minimalist composer David Lang (winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2008), gave rise to the telegraphic style of the choreography. And the screwed-up corner of the white linoleum on the floor creates the sensation of the ground disappearing underfoot. 

Age category: 12+

One-act ballet to the music of Bach’s Concerto for Harpsichord and Orchestra No. 5 in F minor

The ballet was first performed in 2005. This version was first performed in Perm in 2011. 

The choreographic miniature Quotidiano, which can be translated as ‘routine’, illustrates a typical scene in a couple’s life. After waking up in the morning, the lovers search for a missing sock. The search rapidly turns into an argument enumerating all the couple’s disagreements, but it all ends happily ever after. The comic nature of the action is complemented by Bach’s sublime Concerto for Harpsichord and Orchestra No. 5, creating a contrast with the everyday scene. Quotidiano was premiered in 2005 at the International Dance Festival in Venice, and was brought to Perm by Cayetano Soto in 2011. 

Age category: 12+

One-act ballet to Bryars’ Les Fiançailles

The ballet was first staged in Perm in 2011. Running time: 25 minutes

Douglas Lee, a product of the British school of ballet, composed Souvenir while wandering along the corridors of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre, inspired by its profound history. The choreography is staged to music by the British minimalist composer Gavin Bryars and is full of nostalgic allusions — to the ballets of past masters like Frederick Ashton and Kenneth MacMillan, to the age of cinema goddesses, and to his own professional past: Douglas Lee composed this ballet when he finished his career as a soloist in the Stuttgarter Ballett. The ballet features various calligraphic supports and networks twisted around the main character, danced by the theatre’s prima ballerina Natalia Moiseeva. 

One-act ballet to music by Paolo Aralla

The ballet was first staged in Perm in 2011. 

According to Italian choreographer Luca Veggetti, in staging Meditation on Violence he was inspired by the poetic works of American avant-garde filmmaker Maya Deren. The title of the ballet is taken directly from her 1948 film. The dancers move in strictly prescribed circumstances to the impassive, majestic soundtrack by Italian composer Paolo Aralla. Each duet and soloist acts out his or her own scenario without coming into contact with the others. And the audience is hypnotized by a giant shell suspended over the stage which revolves slowly, assuming different shapes depending on the angle. 

Age category: 12+


Albina Rangulova


Taras Tovstyuk


Olga Zavgorodnyaya


Sergei Klochkov


Alexey Lysenko



Natalia de Froberville (Domracheva)



Natalia Moiseeva

First Pas de deux

Lyaisan Gisatullina


Inna Bilash

Second Pas de deux

Nikita Chetverikov

Second Pas de deux

Ksenia Barbasheva


Anna Pushvintseva-Poistogova

Second Pas de deux

Taras Tovstyuk


Ksenia Tkachenko


Sergei Klochkov


Roman Tarkhanov



Natalia de Froberville (Domracheva)


Sergei Klochkov


Roman Tarkhanov


Stage Directors

Artistic director of the production

Valentin Uryupin


Sergey Martynov

Lighting Designer

Douglas Lee


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15 April 2025


V. Gavrilin Ballet

June 10, 2013 19:00–21:15
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